Saturday, January 4, 2014

Don't accept undeserved guilt.

Don't accept undeserved guilt.

Including white liberal guilt as vigorously championed by the young, ignorant, mostly white liberals working for The Stranger.

None lived through the Civil Rights movement; they read about it and distorted the record through their biased lens.

I could hardly keep a straight face when I read this week of their mention of the difficulty that white people have with "subtle" discussions about racism.

As if Shaquille O'Neal had any when he referred to the basketball player Yang Ming as a Ching chong Chinaman, or was it a Jap?

Or as if African-Americans weren't downright hostile to Mexicans for taking their jobs away in California.

The Stranger, of course, does make a pretty cogent and subtle argument that Western civilization can be reduced to the history of colonialism and slavery.

"Subtle" is about the last word that comes to mind The Stranger ("Sex, clubs, marijuana, kick-ass, and African-American culture") comes to mind, anyway.

Nothing new--or subtle--about the continued, relentless attacks on white people and straights (and to a lesser extent, Asians and rarely Hispanics).

And considering the number of African-Americans who behave perfectly abominably in public...and the number of white people who practically slobber over, I mean, ingratiate themselves with African-Americans (their skin color can't just be dark)...

* * * *

The only group of people I really dislike are those who are mean-spirited and who willfully distort the truth.

Parmigianino, auto-portrait au miroir convexe (1523).  Kunsthistorisches, Vienna.

Both sides now
1968    2014

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