Thursday, October 3, 2013

"11% of the black male of Wisconsin has been incarcerated in Wisconsin's prison system at least once" -NPR (National Public Radio)

Responsible citizenship requires that one speak out against prejudiced viewpoints and injustice, even at the cost of disagreeing with others or expressing a minority or unpopular view.

A friend wrote me this morning to express her indignation that ""I [she had] just heard on NPR that 11% of the black male of Wisconsin has been incarcerated in WI's prison system at least once.  This is double the rate of the next most "jail-happy" state with an egregious track record of incarcerating black people."

My question is:   Why do people assume that the state (Wisconsin in this case) is locking up innocent black men for no reason other than to be racist, brutal, unjust, and evil?

Or that these law-abiding men were sitting one night at home trying to help their kids with their algebra or social science when the police entered their domicile, interrogated and then put them in handcuffs, and finally dragged them off to prison. 

I wonder about the factors that cause black men to commit serious crimes:  a culture of macho, lack of male models, single-parent families.

I believe that their rate of incarceration is much much higher than Asian, Africa, or whites of similar economic income levels.

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