Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why do American women in their 20's and 30's...and beyond?

Why do so many American women today (20's and 30's and very possibly beyond) mistake being arch, shrill, brittle, hard-as-nails, coarse, artificial, and loud--in public displays of throwing their heads back and wildly screaming-laughing while walking in their stiletto-like high-heels--with sophistication, intelligence, and charm?

There is no mystery:  these women take no prisoners.  In restaurants, bars, department stores, on buses, in airports, on the sidewalk, in the lobbies of office towers, you can't escape them.  You can't escape their high-pitched squeals, cackles, laughter, and screams. It's like, "Look how much fun we're having!"

Yes, it's like,we get the point.  We can't avoid having to notice you.  If you don't exactly turn heads, you do bring the temperature up, as in, it's like, sows in heat.

The chirpy catty stringing of gossip that passes for conversation among so many women today:  women are still prisoners of a belief that their external appearance, i.e., how attractive they are to men, is the ultimate test of their worth as human beings.

I think everything has its limits, and American women have taken "brash" to its upper limits.  Or I should say, they already did so 20 years ago when Madonna did her shtick, exposing herself a poil in photographs and effectively "letting everything hang out" in performance.

Let's not even bring up gay men here, who have taken direct inspiration here...

"Le temps de Grace Kelly et d'Audrey Hepburn [celle-la n'etait en fait pas americaine] est bien revolu."

"Mary Martin (y a quelqu'un qui sait qui elle est?), du moins, avait du talent et du charme de son etat natal de Texas des annees 40s."

Honey-voiced, sassy, Texas-born, 100% American, but never loud and vulgar.  

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