Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The memory of the Boston Marathon shattered for a long, long time

The first terrorist attack since 2001 hit one of the most historic cities in the United States yesterday.

As a European commentator said, "On s'y retrouve."  One of the most liberal, cultured cities in North America or anywhere in the world, for that matter.

26,000 runners and thousands of spectators in Back Bay.  An international marathon, the oldest of its kind.

Unimaginable pain and fear.

Who did it and why?  The answer to the second undoubtedly is rage and hatred.

The bombs with shrapnel intended to mutilate the maximum number of human beings were obviously the actions of persons with "axes to grind," an acute sense of being victims of injustice.

Only "I" suffer, or only "my people" suffer.  The "other" does not suffer or does not suffer sufficiently.  A  globalized war of "us" against "them."   :"They" do it to "us" all the time.  "They" are the cause my unhappiness.  "They" do not understand how they make me/us suffer all the time.  "They" do not care.  "They" intentionally hurt or mistreat me/us.

There are no variations (or individuals, within that group of "they"/the 'other", whether the group be racial, political, religious, social/cultural.

Thus, "they" must and deserve to be (collectively) punished (or even destroyed).

"I" ("we") have the sole right to be witness, critic, jury, priest, sheriff, referee, judge, God, and executioner.

The very definition of evil: vengeance wreaked on "other" without regard for the pain inflicted on the "other" or whatever or whoever reminds the victim of or is associated with the "other".   Whatever the motivation, including the desire for justice.

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As one who has had chronic physical pain over the years, I feel such sadness and regret for those maimed for life, who will have to undergo surgery, physical therapy, carry scars of, physical disfigurement and impairment, and endure for long periods of time probably excruciating pain, taking a battery of drugs, whose lives have forever been changed, who will have to learn how to continue living..with dreams shattered.

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